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Oct 2, 2020
Coronavirus Is Latest Hit to Natural Gas Industry
The COVID-19 virus has shocked the globe in more ways than one. While world leaders work to mitigate the virus’s effects on their...

Oct 2, 2020
Coronavirus Forces Shell to Shut Down Construction of Cracker Plant
Shell officials said the company will temporarily suspend construction of its ethane cracker plant in Beaver County after pressure from...

Oct 2, 2020
Pennsylvania’s Gas Industry is Subject of State and Federal Investigations
Companies involved in the shale gas industry in Pennsylvania are under the microscope of several state and federal agencies. The industry...

Oct 2, 2020
New Poll Shows Conflicting Attitudes of PA Voters on Fracking
To frack or not to frack? This question has grown into a key issue for many of Pennsylvania’s voters. In its latest poll, Franklin &...

Oct 2, 2020
PA Legislature Votes to Approve Downstream Tax Break
A bill that would provide an incentive for downstream developers to bring their business to the Commonwealth by way of significant tax...

Oct 2, 2020
PA Regulators Raise Well Permit Fees to Counteract Low Impact Fee Revenues and Permit Applications
The state and its municipalities are being impacted by the natural gas downturn. Both Act 13 impact fees and permitting revenues are...

Oct 2, 2020
Natural Gas Compressor Stations may lead to High Exposure to Noise, According to 2017 Pilot Study.
Contributed by: Tim Yeung A 2016 review article by Hays et al. suggested a possible link between noise from unconventional oil and gas...

Oct 2, 2020
Shell Executive Gives Overview of Pa. Cracker Plant Construction
The lead executive in charge of the construction of Shell’s ethane cracker plant in Beaver County, Pa., recently gave an overview of the...

Oct 2, 2020
Shale Gas Waste Disposal May Prove Dangerous
With the rise in oil and gas extraction from deep shale formations comes an increase in wastes, specifically waste water (frack water)...

Oct 2, 2020
Abandoned Wells Present Major Problem for Pennsylvania, Neighboring States
Oil and gas drilling has been occurring in Pennsylvania since 1859, when the first commercial oil well was drilled. A major problem...

Oct 2, 2020
Too Much of a Good Thing
There is no shortage of natural gas in the United States. This, however, is not always a good thing. Since 2012, when the ‘shale boom’...

Oct 2, 2020
DEP Audit Finds Beaver County Agency had Poor Oversight of Two Major Pipeline Projects
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources recently revoked some of the Beaver County Conservation District’s permitting...

Oct 2, 2020
Research Studies Impact of Shale Development in PA State Parks
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), natural gas extraction takes place on...

Oct 2, 2020
Increase in Wastewater Pipelines Raises Regulation Questions
Natural gas companies are looking for better, more efficient ways to transport and dispose of contaminated wastewater used in the...

Oct 2, 2020
Study Analyzes Relationship between Wastewater Well Sites and Socioeconomics
Are oil and gas companies targeting lower socioeconomic areas for wastewater injection wellsite locations? A study from 2018 explored...

Oct 2, 2020
What are Natural Gas Hydrates?
The most abundant source of natural gas is not located in shale formations, but rather, in the depth of our oceans. Natural gas hydrates...
Oct 2, 2020
Court Says Operating History Relevant in Zoning Permit Case
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld a borough’s denial of a conditional use permit for unconventional oil and gas development in an oil...
Oct 2, 2020
Lukewarm Weather is Driving NG Storage Up and Prices Down
Comfortable weather is causing uncertainty in the natural gas futures market. Natural gas futures, one of the metrics commodities traders...
Oct 2, 2020
Energy Options as Market Shifts from Coal
Many see nuclear energy as the best alternative to coal. Two bills to subsidize nuclear energy to the tune of approximately $500M, which...
Oct 2, 2020
Commonwealth Court allows Challenge to Zoning Ordinance Affecting Waste Fluid Injection Well
On March 8, the Commonwealth Court held that a well operator could challenge Plum Borough’s zoning ordinance restricting the location of...
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