
Thank you for attending!
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About the Program
While hydrogen energy and carbon capture utilization/storage present tremendous opportunities for the tri-state region, the path forward is unclear. Several economic, regulatory, and technological challenges to development and deployment exist. Furthermore, local and regional governmental bodies lack a knowledge base to assess the costs and benefits of the burgeoning industry.
Harnessing Hydrogen is an in-person conference that will feature individual talks and panel discussions related to the development of hydrogen energy within the Pennsylvania-Ohio-West Virginia area. The event will be held by the Center for Energy Policy & Management, which strives to provide credible, impartial, and accessible information on the region’s most salient energy topics.
Attendees will gain valuable information about land use impacts, permitting issues, regional economic development, and more!
Program Outline
8:15 to 9:00
Registration, Networking, and Breakfast
9:00 to 9:15
Quick Update: Revisiting Hydrogen Energy and CCUS – Where Are We Today?
Adam Walters, Senior Advisor, Pa. Office of Energy
9:15 to 10:00
Panel Discussion 1: Hydrogen Energy and Appalachia
Moderated by Michael Docherty, Executive Director, Allegheny Energy Future
Jean Mosites, Energy Attorney, Babst Calland
Eric Rondeau, Head of North American Innovation Center, Alstom
Adam Walters, Senior Advisor, Pa. Office of Energy
10:00 to 11:00
Panel Discussion 2: Carbon Capture- Points Source, DAC, and Storage
Moderated by Dr. Corey Young, Director, W&J Center for Energy Policy and Management Kris Carter, Assistant Pa. geologist, Pennsylvania Geological Survey
Timothy Fout, Senior Research Engineer, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Richard Negrin, Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
11:00 to 11:15
11:15 to 12:00
Panel Discussion 3: Transforming the Regional Economy
Moderated by Grant Ervin, Pittsburgh Director of ESG and Innovation, S&B USA Construction
Mike Butler, Mid-Atlantic Region Director, Consumer Energy Alliance
Rich Cleveland, Development Director, Greene County
Joy Ruff, Executive Director, Local Government Academy
Kevin Sunday, Policy Advisor, McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC
12:00 to 12:15
Closing remarks
Speakers and Moderators
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Weren't Able to Attend in 2022?
If you weren't able to attend our event on Oct 4 or if you need to reference materials discussed, please feel free to access the presentations and documents below.
Hydrogen Fundamentals- Dr. Nate Weiland
Hydrogen/CCUS in PA- Kris Carter
Keynote Address- Dr. Debbie Stine
PA Roadmap Fact Sheet